Connecting food with people who don’t have enough

I am so upset seeing TV images of farmers and food producers seemingly having no choice but to be destroying food here in the US when on the same news broadcasts we hear people don’t have enough food and are in charity food lines right in our own country. What I find so disconcerting is that we, as the self-professed “greatest economy in the history of the world” can’t find a way to connect food we can’t sell commercially — for whatever reason — with people who need food to survive. If I see ONE. MORE. STORY. about thousands of gallons of milk being disposed of, or thousands of animals being unnecessarily euthanized because the processing plants are closed or operating under diminished capacity, or truckloads of potatoes being dumped into landfills or buried, my head’s gonna explode! Un-freaking-believable!

Sadly, I have very little confidence left that elected officials will act in the best interest of ‘we the people.’ What’s worse, those in power aren’t feeling the pain of this madness… NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. Did you notice that I didn’t call out any political party? That’s because they’re ALL culpable…culpable for not being willing to compromise on ANYTHING in earnest! WTH is wrong with our country that we can’t do better than that?!? Angry? You BET I’m angry!

Disclosure: Thanks to a dear cruise industry friend, Bruce Nierenberg, who wrote something similar to this on LinkedIn.

Let’s close this sucker out and move on to 2017!

Sorry I haven’t posted here much this year. Certainly not for lack of desire, but my business ( was VERY busy and between shooting, editing and freelancing, the year moved right on by! So since I don’t have my own year-end comments, I will share those of one of the greatest satirists of our time: Dave Barry. Dave has contributed his writing to The Miami Herald for many years, in addition to his many books, and I had the pleasure of meeting Dave when I lived in Miami. He’s rip-roarin’ funny, but usually dead on point at the same time, and here are Dave’s thoughts, in his “2016 Year In Review.” Take note that no one is spared…everyone is fair game for Dave’s pen!

Enjoy, and have a happy and prosperous–and healthy–2017!

Special Guest Blogger!

Greetings, everyone crazy enough to read my blog! And for those that do–or have–I apologize that I haven’t posted in over a half year. My video business keeps me plenty busy these days and I write a blog there, too, so that’s where all my content’s been going.

That said, I want to acknowledge another accomplished writer in the household: my wife–also known as “The Fetching Mrs. Wall.” She just published a post on her blog, “The Feral Cat Blog” that really speaks to the madness that seems to permeate all of society right now–and it’s really both disgusting and disillusioning as to where we are as a country and where we might be heading. I invite you to have a read and if you like it, please comment either here or on her blog. If you disagree, please be civil…we have enough incivility to go around.


Privacy…is it dying or is it DEAD??

Anyone still naive enough to think we have ANY privacy left just needs to look at this infographic. As I’ve said before, the internet is the world’s biggest innovation AND its biggest curse!! There is also an interactive version, which you can see here.




What are your thoughts regarding privacy? Do we really have it any more?

Despite this unsettling observation, be sure to have a safe and Happy New Year!



Infographic source: Business Insider &

We lost a giant yesterday

Thinking of the state of journalism today, I was motivated to publish a short remembrance on LinkedIn. I have lots of writer friends on Facebook and thought I’d share this there, as well as here, for the blogosphere:
